In 2010 Amy first picked up a hoop after her younger sister/best friend came home with a hoop. For the first year or two of hooping it was very on and off again until Amy became a single mother. During her five years as a single parent she used hooping as her outlet to not only find herself as a strong independent woman, but also used it as a way to help relieve stress and overcome anxiety issues.

Hooping had always been a family bonding opportunity for Amy so naturally all 3 of her children became hooked on hooping as well. Hula Hooping is something that she shares with her children, her sister and even taught her mom to hula hoop as well. Living out in the middle of nowhere in southwest Missouri there wasn't much opportunities for hoop jams. As a family, with Amy’s lead they formed HoopFiends, a southwest Missouri hoop group that focuses on getting both children and adults active. With HoopFiends Amy has coordinated with multiple local business and organizations to host and perform at events. Amy has also teamed up with local schools to bring hooping into the schools with special assemblies and recess.

Fast forward to 2014 when Amy became Facebook friends with Maggie of JAMhoops. Amy jumped at the opportunity to become a part of a family within the hula hoop community, a family focused on quality work and genuine connections with fellow flow artists. Since joining the JAMfam Amy has doubled her amount of children thanks to her other half bringing in his 3 children. She now gets to share her love of hooping with 6 children which has ignited the love of the plastic circle in them. Living out in southwest Missouri on a family plot referred to as “the compound” Amy is surrounded by beautiful scenery where she not only hoops but also gardens. Amy’s absolute favorite prop is a hoop but she also plays with poi, contact staff, S staff, slack-line and clubs with an extensive history of color guard.

Amy's Booking Information